Digital Vaccination Certificate (PQ Reply by Minister Josephine Teo)
Incorporating vaccination status information into the SingPass record
Fourteenth Parliament of Singapore – First Session for the Sitting on 26 July 2021
Assoc Prof Jamus Jerome Lim asked the Prime Minister whether there are any plans to consider incorporating vaccination status information into the SingPass record, which is the most official register of personal information that can also potentially be recognised abroad, instead of just the TraceTogether or HealthHub app.
Written answer by Mrs Josephine Teo, Minister for Communications and Information and Minister-in-charge of Smart Nation and Cybersecurity (for the Prime Minister)
The digital vaccination certificate which is issued to eligible individuals can be viewed in the Singpass app’s Inbox. The Ministry of Health (MOH) issues this digital vaccination certificate to individuals who have been fully-vaccinated through Singapore’s COVID-19 vaccination programme, to facilitate recognition abroad. Eligible individuals can request for the certificate by logging in to the Notαrise website ( with Singpass. Besides being available in the Singpass app’s Inbox, the certificate is also sent to the user’s email.
Travellers will need to check with the immigration authority or embassy of the destination country on the travel requirements and accepted documentation. Singapore is in discussions with several countries on mutual recognition of vaccination certificates, to ensure that the certificate issued by MOH would be recognised.